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6 Session Workout Course

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Everyone likes a little definition in their arms, check out these exercises to make sure you hit every major and minor muscle group to get you the results you have been desiring.

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Fun Fact: Did you know cardio burns fat, ONLY after you are 25 to 30 minutes into your workout?

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Did you know you can be more productive with your workouts by working multiple muscle groups at the same time? Check out this leg workout to see what I mean. Long lean toned legs, here we come.

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Did you know having a strong core can help eliminate most common back injuries or prevent them from even happening. Having a strong core is like installing new shocks on a care. Our core muscles help support our spine in every movement we make on an everyday basis.

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Did you know having a strong core can help eliminate most common back injuries or prevent them from even happening? Having a strong core is like installing new shocks on a car. Our core muscles help support our spine in every movement we make on an everyday basis.

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Fun Fact: If you don’t eat anything at all before engaging in exercise your body will burn muscle for fuel.

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"BURNOUT" - you are moving until muscle failure. Make sure to write down how many you get. For instance, if on set one you wind up doing 82 bicep curls you would try to match that on the 2nd and 3rd sets.To get your elastic band to stick in the door, close a door so it is above you. Wrap your elastic band around anything heavy. If you want it to be above you, try closing the center of the band in the top of a door.

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Fun Fact: If you eat something before workout you will burn that off within the first 30 minutes of workout, then your body will burn fat there after.

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Using your own body weight to workout adds tone without getting "BULKY."**When counting reps, every "right" side counts as one rep.

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Fun Fact: You can push to the MAX for 30 seconds then you will start to notice you get tired and need more oxygen, this is because your body switches energy systems at 30 seconds after maxed exertion.

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This core workout is specific to working the lower abdominal wall and back. This core workout is especially wonderful for post-pregnancy ladies to help our muscles become familiar with being flat.

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Fun Fact: If you eat something before workout you will burn that off within the first 30 mins of the workout, then your body will allow fat burn thereafter.

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About the teacher

Lindsay Hahl

Lindsay's desire to improve herself began many moons ago growing up as a competitive gymnast. Gymnastics is one of the most physically demanding sports that someone can do. She placed high demands on her body from a very young age and was always looking for an edge. Lindsay earned a full-ride scholarship to a Division I University for gymnastics.There, Lindsay followed the advice of her coaches, but it turned out that the male coaches were giving her the same workouts they gave the men. She became big, bulky, and didn't like her body anymore. She pushed so hard she got injured and could no longer compete. Since then, Lindsay returned to the bodyweight exercises that propelled her to get her scholarship. She incorporated other modalities to help keep her body and mind at its best.Even after having 3 kids, Lindsay looks incredible. She loves coaching people across the country to better themselves, and the results speak for themselves. Lindsay has methods to help you overcome challenges of mind, body, and spirit.